
[GFW Blog] 奥巴马就“世界新闻自由日”说了些什么

作者:胡泳  来源:价值中国网







01 May 2009

Statement by President Obama to Mark World Press Freedom Day

Lends his support, admiration to men, women who labor to expose the truth


Office of the Press Secretary

May 1, 2009

Statement by the President in honor of World Press Freedom Day

World Press Freedom Day is annually observed on May 3 to remind us all of the vital importance of this core freedom. It is a day in which we celebrate the indispensable role played by journalists in exposing abuses of power, while we sound the alarm about the growing number of journalists silenced by death or jail as they attempt to bring daily news to the public.

Although World Press Freedom Day has only been celebrated since 1993, its roots run deep in the international community. In 1948, as people across the globe emerged from the horrors of the Second World War, nations saw fit to enshrine in the Universal Declaration on Human Rights the fundamental principle that everyone “has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.”

Even as the world recognizes the central and indisputable importance of press freedom, journalists find themselves in frequent peril. Since this day was first celebrated some sixteen years ago, 692 journalists have been killed. Only a third of those deaths were linked to the dangers of covering war; the majority of victims were local reporters covering topics such as crime, corruption, and national security in their home countries. Adding to this tragic figure are the hundreds more each year who face intimidation, censorship, and arbitrary arrest – guilty of nothing more than a passion for truth and a tenacious belief that a free society depends on an informed citizenry.  In every corner of the globe, there are journalists in jail or being actively harassed: from Azerbaijan to Zimbabwe, Burma to Uzbekistan, Cuba to Eritrea.  Emblematic examples of this distressing reality are figures like J.S. Tissainayagam in Sri Lanka, or Shi Tao and Hu Jia in China. We are also especially concerned about the citizens from our own country currently under detention abroad: individuals such as Roxana Saberi in Iran, and Euna Lee and Laura Ling in North Korea.

Today, I lend my voice of support and admiration to all those brave men and women of the press who labor to expose truth and enhance accountability around the world.  In so doing, I recall the words of Thomas Jefferson: "The basis of our governments being the opinion of the people, the very first object should be to keep that right; and were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.”




虽然世界新闻自由日自1993年以后才被确立为每年一度的纪念日,但它在国际社会有着深远的根源。1948年,在世界人民摆脱了第二次世界大战的恐怖后,各国认识到,需要将人人“有权享有主张和发表意见的自由;此项权利包括持有主张而不受干涉的自由,以及通过任何媒介和不论国界寻求、接受与传递消息和思想的自由”的基本原则纳入《世界人权宣言》(Universal Declaration of Human Rights)。

尽管世界认识到新闻自由无可非议的极端重要性,但新闻工作者仍时常陷入危境。自大约16年前首次确立这个纪念日以来,有692位新闻工作者遭到杀害。其中,只有三分之一是与战地报道有关;大部分的遇害者是报道本国犯罪、腐败和国家安全等问题的地方记者。除了这一令人痛心的数字外,每年还有更多人遭到恐吓、审查和任意关押,他们的罪名不过是热衷追求真相,并坚信一个自由社会取决于一个知情的公民群体。全球每个角落都有新闻工作者受到关押或遭到肆意骚扰:从阿塞拜疆到津巴布韦,从缅甸到乌兹别克斯坦,从古巴到厄立特里亚。这种令人不安的现实通过斯里兰卡的提塞纳亚伽姆(J.S. Tissainayagam)以及中国的师涛和胡佳得到反映。我们也尤其担忧目前在海外遭到关押的我国公民,其中包括被伊朗关押的萨贝里(Roxana Saberi)和被北韩关押的李云娜(Euna Lee)和凌志美(Laura Ling)。


其实,美国国务卿希拉里.克林顿也发表了录像讲话,谈到了一个自由的新闻界的作用:"expose abuses of power, fight corruption, challenge assumptions, and provide constructive outlets for new ideas and dissent." 她补充说:"Those who seek to abuse power and spread corruption view media freedom as a threat. Instead of supporting an open press, they attempt to control or silence independent voices." 



chang_ping 有这样一个笑话—— 苏联时期,到处都是谎言。有一天,在莫斯科某幼儿园,阿姨对小朋友们说:“在苏联,小朋友们过着幸福的生活,有漂亮的衣服穿,还有各种各样的糖吃……”小朋友们一听,哇,世界上竟然有这么好的地方,于是纷纷举手说:“我要去苏联!”“我要去苏联!”

chang_ping 听了马朝旭的介绍,嗯,我要去中国当记者!


带队制作《前辈》第8P 《报魂喋血》时,俺曾问大家,想过没有,一个记者被政府暗杀,说明了什么。大家七嘴八舌,基本结论是政府独裁残暴,没有言论自由。这个结论,对于没学过新闻史和新闻理论的人固然可以理解,但学新闻的人如此以为,实在是学有欠缺。在俺们今天,没有哪个记者值得政府去谋杀,也没有哪位记者有可能做到让政府考虑去暗杀的地步,原因非常简单,在新闻逐级审查制度下,没有一个记者能成长到严重妨碍政府的程度,顶多是得罪了县太爷,被进京抓捕,关上个12年就能放出来。  

那么,史量才为啥被暗杀,那时能办私有报纸,史老板占了三大,而且公然持续反蒋,蒋中正警告史老板“俺有百万军队”,史老板警告蒋中正“俺有百万读者 ”!像《大公报》这种保持着对蒋进行客观批评而不介入政经角逐的私有报纸,蒋中正也就放任它存在着,批评着,而且把它摆放在客厅、厕所、枕边,宁可看它也不看虚话连篇的《中央日报》。再看清朝处决沈荩,英达的太爷爷英华在《大公报》上连篇累牍地写新闻批评,上海处决小杨时,咱哪家报纸敢?袁世凯做了总统,英华在《大公报》上连篇累牍地大骂,袁世凯仍礼贤下士,保持着风度。有时候想起来相当悲哀,难道俺们今天,还比不上慈禧、袁世凯、蒋中正吗?普京也涉嫌暗杀记者,那至少说明,俄国有了言论自由,所以有记者能发展到值得被暗杀的地步。相比之下,俺们对新闻记者真是太爱护了,就像呵护婴儿一样,这儿别碰,会烫着,那儿别动,小心被咬着,所以绝对不会发展到啥子被暗杀的地步,放心大胆地多做娱乐节目吧,做法制节目也行,别报小杨,……就报血腥、凶杀、强奸,把俺们中华民族未来的孩子统统培养成下手非常狠的人!

Posted By GFW Blog to GFW Blog at 5/05/2009 06:45:00 P
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