
[GFW BLOG] 难怪我的MSN老上不去,看来跟GFW又有关系




As you may noticed, people who added TwitOnMSN to their contact list, occasionally fail to login Windows Live Messenger Chinese Version since 3rd of Dec.

If you are suffering a landing problem on WLM with a good network, you could try the following measures to resolve it:
* If you can, please reinstall your WLM in English version or other non-Chinese version. They should work just fine.
* If not, you need to login your account with other client, like meebo , and remove TwitOnMSN from your contact list. Then you might can login again in a couple of hours or a day.

We do not know the specific reason why this happens. We are terribly sorry for the problem and hope it would go away soon.

FYI. We are making a survey about TwitOnMSN. Please come in to help us to improve it:

Thank you so much for your time!

Best regards,

TwitOnMSN Team

大 致的意思是加了TwitOnMSN机器人的用户如果用的中文版的msn即 Windows Live Messenger 登陆会出现登陆不成功,解决方式要么用其他语言版本的msn登陆正常使用,或者用第三方客户端登陆删除TwitOnMSN机器人。TwitOnMSN开发 团队表示他们不清楚不能登陆的确切原因。

TwitOnMSN机器人是MSN上一个twitter api应用,功能不错,能不翻墙实现twitter 的大部分功能。可能是TwitOnMSN机器人使用的人多了,被GFW盯上了。也不知道GFW是怎么做到这一点的,难道msn中国和GFW也有一腿, 


Posted By GFW Blog to GFW BLOG at 12/11/2009 07:27:00 PM

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