Mon, 20 Jul 2009 14:49:00 +0800
但"哈6"在整个系列中,的确是一个尴尬。老实说,看的时候我一直在打哈欠。除了偶尔几场对白,影院里发出点笑声,总体感觉就是一个闷啊。就算没看过原著,这部电影所制造的最大悬念——谁是"混血王子",也让人提不起精神。斯内普(他就是"混血王子")干掉魔法学院校长邓布利多那一幕,并不让人惊讶,而是有所期待,想知道影片会不会马上揭开另一个� �底——邓布利多的死因。这当然是不可能的,那得等下一部了。
"哈6"需要讲述邓布利多之死,因为这关系到哈利·波特的复仇之旅。在接下来的最后时刻,哈利需要凭借邓布利多的"老魔杖",来对付伏地魔。(这算不算"剧透 ��?)谁是"混血王子"也很重要,因为涉及斯内普和邓布利多之前的秘密和约定——在高潮来临的时候,这将起到扭转乾坤的作用。(是的,斯内普在玩"潜伏")邓布利多和哈利寻找伏地魔的"魂器"之旅,更是"哈6"不能不交待的地方,这同样关系到伏地魔的最后命运。(不能再说这些了)还有,哈利和他的伙伴们都已长大(虽然还是一张娃娃脸),这些情窦初开的少男少女在一起,当然得发生点什么。
在某种意义上,这是好莱坞影片"捆绑销售"模式的胜利。像电视连续剧那样拍电影,已经成为好莱坞电影工厂榨干每一滴市场利润的不二法门。从夺宝奇兵系列、星球大战系列、超人系列到魔戒系列、加勒比海盗系列以及蝙蝠侠系列,这一吸金模式屡试不爽。可就是影迷们辛苦了些。哈利·波特系列从2001年开始公映,至今已经过去了八个年头,而等到大结局则还需要两年时间。据悉,这一系列的� �结局将分成上下两部推出。让人花10年时间来追一部系列电影,资本的残酷本性一览无遗。
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 11:53:00 +0800
作者:謝國忠 | 评论(1) | 标签:谢国忠, 股市, 熊市, 通货膨胀
The summer dip isn't over
Andy Xie / July 17, 2009
There is a saying in the stock market: sell in May and go away. Fund managers tend to go on holidays during the summer. Before they go away, they tend to shift their portfolios into a conservative position. In the statistics jargon it means decreasing the portfolio beta. When all the fund managers do this, it amounts to a significant reduction of risk appetite in the market and can push the market down. What is occurring now seems to affirm this saying. Stock markets around the world (except China's A share market) have been trending down since mid-June. The US's S&P 500 index bottomed in early March at 676, peaked at 946 in mid June, and declined to 901 by July 13. Similarly, Hang Seng Index bottomed at 11,345 in early March, peaked at 18,888 on June first, and declined to 17,663 on July 13. Other stock markets have shown similar trends.
In the past few days stock markets have regained most of their losses due to better earnings from some financial institutions and better predictions of future sales by some technology companies. The financial sector earnings, in my view, are a distribution story and don't predict the earnings for other companies. The IT sector, as I wrote in my previous article, is experiencing creative destruction. Its pie is shrinking. But there are winners too. Hence, good predictions from some companies don't suggest that the whole industry has turned around. When the second quarter earnings from all companies are reported, markets will be concerned again. The odds are that the declining trend will continue into August.
At the end of 2008 I predicted a big bear market bounce in spring, 2009. The bounce would fizzle out in the fourth quarter of 2009 as inflation concerns trigger the expectation of interest rate increase. I modified this view two months ago to add a correction in the middle of the bear market rally, i.e., the market would be M shaped in 2009. The reason for the change was that economic data couldn't improve as fast as the market was hoping. The disappointment would cause a mid-year dip. The market was excited by improving production data in the second quarter. I thought that it was mainly due to inventory cycle and final demand data would disappoint. The economic data so far affirm my expectation. I think that final demand would only improve marginally in the third quarter due to the delayed effect of fiscal stimulus, which would improve market sentiment again. The expectation for interest rate increase will weigh on the market in the fourth quarter and bring an end to the bear market bounce.
All asset prices seem to be correlated to risk appetite. The most important is the dollar's inverse correlation with stock market performance. The dollar index ('DXY') peaked in early March at 89 and has been fluctuating around 80 since. Even though the dollar has been on a downtrend since 2002, declining about one third in value, it has staged numerous bounces along the way. These bounces reflect risk appetite in financial markets. The dollar remains a safe haven asset. When risk appetite drops, the dollar tends to rise. Rising risk aversion drives such dollar bounces.
Oil price also shows high correlation with the dollar. It doubled to $70/bbl from the March low but has tumbled to $60/bbl since the dollar began to bounce in early June. I think that the relationship between oil price and dollar is mostly correlation and some causality. In theory, if the dollar decline by one third and everything else remains the same, it roughly justifies 50% increase in oil price. However, the correlation between oil price and the dollar is far more sensitive than that. For example, 11% decline in the dollar index in the spring was accompanied about a doubling in oil price. Merely 3% bounce in the dollar since has been accompanied by 14% decline in the oil price. Liquidity, driven by risk appetite, drives both the dollar and oil price in the short term.
Risk appetite is determined by the push factor-interest rate and the pull factor-economic growth. When growth is high and interest rate is high, risk appetite is moderate. When growth rate is low and interest rate is high, risk appetite is low. When growth is strong and interest rate is low, risk appetite is high. This scenario fits the situation between 2003-07. When economic growth rate is low and interest rate is also low, as the world is in now, risk appetite fluctuates with economic data and policy actions.
I think that the global economy bottomed in the second quarter and would start to show some growth in the second half due to the delayed effect of fiscal stimulus. With a broken financial system, monetary stimulus doesn't work well. The market thinks that the global economy bottomed in the second quarter also but expects more growth in the second half. I think that the developed economies may show 1-1.5% growth in the second half after 6% decline in the previous four quarters. The market was hoping for much more. The anemic data into the summer have brought some reality to the market. The expectation is adjusting accordingly.
However, when the economic data improve significantly, probably in September, financial markets may become enthusiastic about growth prospect again. At that time, inflation risk would still appear low. Markets could conjure up the scenario of strong growth and low interest rate. The enthusiasm could bring the second wave in this bear market rally. Stock markets and commodities could regain or surpass their spring highs.
Neither assumption-low interest rate nor strong growth is realistic. Instead, the world is moving towards high interest rate and low growth rate, i.e., stagflation. Before the financial crisis, the global economy experienced nearly 4% growth rate and half as much inflation. In the coming five years, I believe the best scenario would be half the growth and twice the inflation. The lower growth rate is due to (1) lack of rising leverage as a driver for demand and (2) lower productivity growth rate as the beneficial effects of globalization and IT have been absorbed. The higher inflation is due to the surge in monetary supply in coping with the financial crisis. The excess supply of money will become inflation overtime.
Financial markets are discussing exit strategies for central banks-when and how to retrieve the excess money supplies before they become inflationary. Central banks are reluctant to discuss it because they fear that it would lead to the expectation of rising interest rate, which would dampen economic recovery. This willingness to err on the 'loose' side could boost long term inflation rate. Central banks still don't recognize the nature of the current downturn. It is not just cyclical. Schumpeterian creative destruction is a big part of the current downturn. As outdated businesses shut, it takes time for the laid-off workers to find alternative employment. This is why the global economic recovery will be anemic and a 'jobless' one. When central banks see high unemployment rates, they see economic 'slack', i.e., stimulus could lead to more growth without causing inflation. If central banks want to fight Schumpeterian creative destruction with easy money, it could lead to high inflation and even hyperinflation in some cases.
In the same context financial markets are speculating about a second round of fiscal stimulus, especially by China and the US. The purpose of the speculation is to alleviate the growth fear among investors, i.e., more stimuli could always be applied to cope with low growth and, hence, you can invest without fear. A second round of stimulus is quite unlikely, in my view. The huge budget deficits in Japan, Europe, and the US could make more stimuli backfire. Bond markets may decide that governments would all go burst and refuse to buy more fiscal bonds. Political backlash against high budget deficits is just beginning and making another round of fiscal stimulus difficult to win support.
China has low budget deficit and could afford a second round of stimulus if it wants. However, China's budget deficit is not as simple as it appears. The massive increase in bank lending, for example, increases budget deficit indirectly as the loose lending could lead to bank losses that the government is ultimately liable. The increased debts at local government-owned companies should be part of the fiscal deficit. Still, it is fair to say that Chinese government's overall financial situation is good enough to support another round of stimulus. But, it still wouldn't bring back sustainable growth. The current lending boom has led to increased economic activities relating to government or SoE-led investments. There are few signs that the growth is spreading sufficiently to private investment and consumption to create a self-sustaining growth cycle. The current round of stimulus has improved economic growth but has also increased imbalance in the economy. A second round may add more to the negative side then the positive.
Even though the second round of stimulus is quite unlikely for the foreseeable future, financial markets will continue to speculate on its coming, especially when economic data are weak. Investors need stories like this to work up their courage to take the speculative plunge. When enough investors believe a story like this, it impacts markets and rewards its believers in the short term. This is why there is an infinite demand and supply for story making. When the second round stimulus becomes too old to be believable, there will be another story to catch investors' imagination.
Imagination is important when interest rate is low. Low interest rate by definition subsidizes borrowing. Ceteris paribus, low interest rate increases demand for speculation. Such speculation is rewarded if low interest rate simultaneously leads to economic recovery. In the past two decades it was almost always the case. Consumers in the west would respond to it and borrow more to spend. Hence, low interest rate could quickly lead to a broad based recovery. It paid to speculate when interest rate was low.
The difference now is that the consumer leverage in the west is too high. Even at zero interest rate western consumers couldn't borrow to spend. Hence, the transmission mechanism between low interest rate and demand creation is broken. On the other hand the transmission mechanism between low interest rate and financial speculation is alive and never better. Here lies the danger for speculators: the broad economic recovery wouldn't come this time.
Speculation on short-term market movement is mostly futile. Most market folklores, if not all, are coincidences. The statistical evidences are too few to make the correlation meaningful. The 'sell in May and go away' folklore isn't more meaningful than others, even though the fund managers' vacation phenomenon in the summer makes it sound more plausible. There are just enough exceptions to make the relationship not reliable.
Herd psychology and structural bias are the only significant factors for making predictions. Stock market has a bullish bias. Most of its participants invest with other people's money ('OPM'). As the bonus in a rising market far exceeds the punishment in a falling market, the structural asymmetry gives the market the bullish bias. This factor is especially important when interest rate is low. Savers are incentivized to look for alternative investments to bank deposits when interest rate is low. Bullish fund managers are more likely to attract flow from savers. When market is rising, savers could be caught in the momentum and shift more to stock market from bank deposits. The combination of this herd behavior and fund managers' structural bullish bias leads to market spiking up from time to time in a low interest rate environment.
Such market spikes can reverse on their own. Any spike will attract profit takers. Companies want to take advantage of such opportunities to raise funds. The outflow can bring down the market. The correction that we are seeing now falls into this category. As interest rate remains low, the correction will attract new inflow that leads to a new spike. This is why I expect a second leg to this bear market rally in the autumn.
So far improving economic data are mostly on the production side due to inventory cycle. Final demand data are yet to improve significantly. They could show improvement in the autumn, which lends more support to bullish sentiment. Hence, the second leg in this bear market rally could be quite vigorous also.
The bear market rally ends when interest rate rises due to inflation expectation. As I have argued many times in this page, the global economy is more inflation prone in the future than in the past. Low growth doesn't mean no inflation. The excess money supply released during the financial crisis will become inflation first through high commodity prices. The pressure for cost-of-living adjustment in the labor spreads the cost push to wage increase. This spiral turns all the excess money supply into inflation. When this prospect becomes apparent, probably in early 2010, market expectation will shift to big interest rate hikes. I think that the Fed will raise interest rate by 300 bps over the next 18 months. Other central banks will also raise interest rates, probably less. High interest rate kills the power of imagination in the stock market and brings the end to this bear market rally.
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 10:42:00 +0800
作者:Wujiang | 评论(5) | 标签:法国高中会考, bac, 外语教育, 对外汉语
与高考不同的是,bac是 "必须"的考试,却不是"唯一"的考试,因为对于某些著名学院、"大学校",还需要经过专门的入学选拔才能进入。而中国的高中会考,众所周知,只是高考前的"预备考"之一,往往流于形式。印象中似乎是人人皆能通过,无论对老师还是考生都没有心理压力。
法国bac大体分两个方向:一是综合会考(bac général)及科技会考(bac technologique)为,二是职业会考,一般说来,考生中最优秀的多选择参加综合会考,科技、职业类则等而下之。
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 10:42:00 +0800
作者:乘风 | 评论(3) | 标签:所见所闻, 读书看电影, 随笔, Evangelion
Eva 在97年的时候就已经有过剧场版了,当时就被媒体认为是无法逾越的神作,然后10年以后投资方却又有的重新制作的打算,并在07年上映了新剧场版的第一部《序:你(不)孤独》。今年上映的是第二部《破:你能(不能)突破》。
另外提一下,eva的原声带非常的不错,为了照应其宗教主题,还特地使用了人声吟唱这一元素。庄严又肃穆,气氛烘托的恰到好处,由此可见日本人在电影制作方� 是下了大功夫的。
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 10:31:00 +0800
作者:方元 | 评论(6) | 标签:时事观点, 所见所闻, 财经看点, 世博, 奥运, 中国孔子, 新闻课堂
惜乎哉!我刚一进大厅,就被胡哥的三米多高的巨幅人像吓着了,当然入口处还有前总书记的视频,不过就是一般分众广告框大小,不是很吓人。而胡哥这个人像吓人之处除了尺寸,还有周围全是大红色墙面 ��托——我想这应该是中国特色吧——无论啥活动都把主要领导的头像啦题词啦弄到前头?以示"关怀"?以示"重视"?以示有了"关怀"与"重视",我们才能搞好工作?
一些和世博会相关的实物和模型颇为引人注目,比如巴黎博览会上期间的埃菲尔铁塔,比如法国送给美国的自由女神像(不知道出于啥原因,这个神像只展出了手持火炬的"局部",神像的头、身子统统� 有。是因为太大吗?可是那埃菲尔铁塔更大啊,不也是弄出来了?),比如爱迪生的小雕塑和老式电话……等等。当然,还有中国人,尤其是中国男人,特别是爱喝酒的中国男人熟知的在巴拿马万国博览会上因为酒香获得金奖的中国茅台酒。实际上,在那届博览会上,那个奖基本上相当于今天的"纪念奖",就拿我国(当然是当时合法的中央政府大清朝廷派出的代表团)来说,除了茅台,山西汾酒,绍兴黄酒等等很多酒都得过奖。
因为我是普通公民,自然参观日期不可能和各级领导相同,据了解因此也"错过"了一些宣传项目。但是,我从现场取阅并拿回家的一个小彩页,还是让我觉得应该地表扬一下浙江省湖州市南浔区人民政府,该地出产的"荣记湖丝"曾送1851年英国伦敦世博会展出,并获奖。他们制作的小广告彩页上竟然带有一� �段这个"丝",很形象,很有意思,我个人以为。
Mon, 20 Jul 2009 01:51:00 +0800
季羡林先生辞世之后,舆论当然要讨论的一个话题是中国以后还出不出得了大师,似乎季先生就是硕果仅存的最后巨人,学界将来再无本事酝酿出另一位众人 仰望的 泰山北斗了。这个疑问的前提是大家都已肯定了季先生的地位,仿佛人人都很清楚他在学术上的成就。然而,我们真的都能看懂季先生早期在佛典语言研究上的创见 吗?我们都能欣赏他在翻译《弥勒会见记剧本》上头下的功夫吗?就算是他晚年以大量中文素材写成的《糖史》,又有多少人通读过一遍呢?
不妨老实承认,虽然人人都称季羡林先生是大师,但我们绝大部分人根本就连下这个判断的资格都没有。所以坊间才会以讹传讹,张冠李戴地把精研东方学和 中西文 化交流史的季先生尊奉为"国学大师"(除非我们所说的"国学"是季先生提倡的"大国学",把中西文化交流的面向也纳入传统国学的范畴)。所以媒体才会大肆 渲染季先生懂得多少种古僻语言,因为这是一般人想象得到的成就,将学术看作武艺奇巧,花样会得越多越好。
既然我们无能判断季先生的大师地位,可见这个尊称就不是我们自己深思熟虑的结果。说季先生是大师,不是因为我们懂得季先生的工作,而是因为我们相信 内行人 的判断。虽然那些内行人其实只是人数很少的一个小圈子,全世界也可能找不出一千人。那么,我们又凭什么相信这个小圈子会肯定季先生的成就呢?我们甚至从未 接触过那个圈子,也从没读过他们的专业学报。也许,大家只是信赖整个学术界的共识,当今学术界都不否认季先生是大师,我们也就只好跟着信了。尽管季先生那 圈子的人在全球学术群体里只是凤毛麟角,其他专学的学者隔行如隔山,根本摸不透他们干了什么。
我不是在针对季先生,更不敢质疑他在学术史上的位置。恰恰相反,我只不过想指出一个非常简单的现象,那就是外行人对专业学者的判断往往要靠一套第二 手甚至 第三手的信任关系组成的链条。这个现象不仅限于人文学科,自然科学更加如此。例如杨振宁、李政道和斯蒂芬·霍金,我们一般人都不太清楚他们的创见创在何 处,大家只能人云亦云,毫不怀疑地接受学界的看法。
掌握不到足够的讯息而妄断是危险的,不经自己的思考而盲从他人的意见是愚蠢的,可是社会的运转与生活的恒常,有时却不得不依靠这种盲从和妄断。举个 最简单 的例子,你要是生病去看大夫,找一个别人介绍的"外科圣手",你怎能知道他就是外科中的圣手呢?你有机会先去检验一下他的本事吗?你有足够的专业知识去评 价他过往的表现吗?
我们都说季羡林是大师,那是因为我们相信传媒。传媒都把季先生尊为大师,因为那是学界的共识。学界之所以有这种共识,是因为专研东方学的那个小圈子 都很佩 服季先生立下的榜样与他留下来的学术遗产。并不是东方学圈子里的人都很高尚诚实,而是整个学术界自有一套规则体制,自有一套评价彼此成就的原则。大家信的 不是个人,是这一套系统。我们相信一个人取得博士学位,就证明了他有独立研究的能力;做了教授,就有指导学生的资格;在一级学术刊物上发表论文,就表示他 的水平达到最高标准。如果他的论著广受引述,行内人不能不读不能不重视,那一定是他做出了非常重要的贡献。
然而,我们今天有谁能够保证一个中国重点大学博士的资格,一部大学出版社出品的水准呢?国家最高学术机构的成员可以涉嫌抄袭,重点大学的教授可以错 把英文 里的"蒋介石"译作"常凯申",一级学刊可以收款刊登投稿论文;博士生更可以从不上课,连论文都由他人代笔。当这一切都可以发生,中国学术领域的信任链条 也就完了。前一阵子,学术打假专家方舟子先生揭发全国最年轻市长周森锋在清华上学时有抄袭论文之嫌,周先生对此仍无回应,却有网友先替他着急了,叫大家" 想想清华的学生压力有多重?不抄袭根本就应付不过来。何必拿这点事小题大做!"我不敢相信抄袭是清华学生的普遍行为,但这位网友的意见却让人忧虑;假如每 个人都像他这么想,那么清华的招牌还有什么意义呢?
为什么季羡林先生被称作"最后的大师"?因为他是上个时代的产物,一个学界仍有信誉可言的时代;因为他的成就被国际学界承认,而不是我们今天这个混 沌晦暗 的江湖自娱自乐的结果。所以,我担心的问题还不是中国出不出得了大师;而是就算真有,我们也不知道他的存在。说一个人是大师,谁说了算呢?我们谁都信不过。