Feed Over Email(FOE)以RSS feed形式通过email发送受限制内容。这个工具不能帮助用户浏览受审查的网站获得获取大文件。但是它的创建者,Sho ho,认为FOE很难被封锁并且可以和其他规避技术协同工作。联邦政府的研究院Ho,在Defcon(一个Las Vegas的年度黑客大会)做了报告。
Ho认为现在有许多规避审查的工具,但是都很难让人们接触到他们。同样,这些工具的制作者也在和封锁这些工具的访问途径的政府展开猫捉老鼠的有戏。To use FOE, a user just needs access to an e-mail service hosted outside of a censoring country, and the FOE client. Information is sent via e-mail, which can come from servers all over the Web, making it hard for censors to spot a consistent source of censored information. Governments also usually don't block access to foreign mail services (there are some exceptions, such as North Korea).
FOE is different from the average feed reader in that it's able to fetch content from censored sites without requiring the user to visit those sites to set up the feed. Once FOE fetches the content, it encrypts it and sends it via e-mail much like an attached file. The user's client gets decrypts the feed once it's arrived and displays it on the local machine. Ho adds that FOE should be easy for activists to set up and maintain because it uses existing infrastructure.
The version that will be released in September works on machines running Windows, Ho says, but she hopes that volunteers will help add support for other platforms, including mobile devices.
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