
[GFW BLOG] 以股东提案推动Google谷歌的人权政策转换

作者:赵京  来源:价值中国网



2009年10月12日,我向Google和雅虎同时提交2010年股东大会关于中国人权的提案(注3)。这个“谷歌在中国业务的人权影响”提案得到Morton Sklar律师(控告雅虎的代理)的帮助,要点为:鉴于中国政府监视电子通讯、限制互联网使用、逮捕和严厉惩罚行使自由表达和自由结社权利的互联网使用者,鉴于谷歌在中国的业务在某种程度上会助长对于人权的侵犯而负有的责任和义务,以及鉴于美国的禁止公司在外国侵犯人权的相关法规,为此,股东们决议:1.不向有可能侵犯人权的中国执法当局提供信息技术和产品,特别不能提供用户的信息而导致用户因为在互联网上行使自由表达和自由结社的权利而受到迫害。2.停止互联网审阅,帮助中国的用户突破中国当局对互联网的非法监控。3.设立一个人权委员会[附录]。我一方面担心谷歌会象雅虎那样雇用法律事务所排除我的提案,一方面也希望谷歌董事会中斯坦福大学校长、普林斯顿大学校长等董事能够坚持基本伦理价值。


2月10日,谷歌在华盛顿的公共政策主管(Public Policy Director)Bob Boorstin通过电邮和电话与我联系,交换谷歌在中国业务的意见。Boorstin介绍说他80年代初在北京工作过(那时我正在清华念书),知道中国。他同意我的提案中的第1点,特别保证谷歌不能重复雅虎那样的“犯罪行为”,不会“好马要吃回头草”(北京当局放出的诱饵);他告诉我谷歌正在采取行动实施我的提案的第2点,特别指出已经在谷歌总部秘密召开了第一次会议组织各界帮助中国的用户突破中国当局对互联网的非法监控。这对中国的民主、人权事业极为重要,至少可以节省我们的大量人力、财力资源而投入到更急需的人道救援等项目上。我鼓励谷歌要坚持“不做恶”,并表示可以到谷歌总部与他见面商谈、也可以放弃提案。最后,我要求他把我们通话的内容用书面的形式写给我,他同意了,但一直没有与我联系。过后,我接到谷歌的“高级公司律师”(Senior Corporate Counsel) Katherine Stephens的2月25日快件,告知谷歌董事会反对我的提案。大意是:我们同意互联网自由的至关重要性和企业的保护人权的责任。我们正在审视此提案中强调的中国业务问题,这将会极大地改变局势。谷歌正在采取支持表达自由的步骤领导着互联网产业,例如,加入全球通讯倡议(Global Network Initiative)保护人权等(内容与谷歌的正式声明相同,见注4)。
2010 年3月23日,谷歌正式宣布停止审查google.cn的搜索内容,并将网站链接转入香港服务器,为全球化经济和互联网时代不断倒退的人权状况留下了值得评价的记录。我四、五年前因为雅虎事件把所有退休基金转换为各公司股票以来,正好撞上金融危机,经济损失惨重。但我欣慰自己的民主人权“投资”,在谷歌、雪佛龙等公司的人权政策转变中得到了回报。3月29日,谷歌向股东发出2009年度业务报告和2010年5月13日的股东大会资料(注4),包括我的中国人权提案(第6号,p.38-39)。


[赵京,2010年4月22日。赵京的文论都以 中日美比较政策研究所网站http://cpri.tripod.com为准。]


Human Rights Impacts of Google Business in China

                Whereas, mindful of the misuse of information technology by the Government of China to monitor electronic communications, to restrict Internet access and use, and to arrest and severely punish Internet users in China for expressing and exercising their free speech and free association rights, and

Whereas, recognizing the special responsibilities and obligations that these major abuses of human rights place on Google doing business in China in ways that could contribute to these abuses, and,

Whereas, taking into account the fact that U.S. laws prohibit the involvement and support of U.S. companies in major human rights abuses taking place in foreign nations, and specifically prohibit actions by U.S. companies that contribute to major human rights abuses by law enforcement authorities in China,

Therefore, be it resolved, that the following human rights principles should be formally adopted by Google to guide its actions relating to its operations affecting China:

1.         No information technology products or technologies will be sold, and no assistance will be provided to law enforcement authorities in China, that could contribute to human rights abuses in that country. Specifically, no user information will be provided, and no technological assistance will be made available, that would place individuals at risk of persecution based on their access or use of the Internet or electronic communications for free speech and free association purposes.

2.         Censorship of access or use of the Internet will not be used as a method of restricting assistance to Chinese law enforcement authorities engaged in Internet or electronic surveillance that adversely affects the human rights of users. Every effort will be made to assist users to have access to encryption and other protective technologies and approaches, so that their access and use of the Internet will not be restricted, before resorting to censorship as a means for preventing unlawful surveillance and repression by Chinese law enforcement authorities.   Google will provide financial and technological support to efforts aimed at developing and making more accessible to users in China more advanced technologies that would allow them to evade unlawful surveillance of their Internet use by Chinese authorities.

3.         Google will establish a Human Rights Committee with the responsibility to review and approve all policies and actions taken by the Company that might affect human rights observance in countries where it does business, or where its products and technologies are being used. This Committee will include high-level officials of Google, and respected outside human rights experts who are in a position to help Google understand the human rights impacts of their activities abroad, and frame approaches that will assure that Google does not contribute to human rights abuses by foreign governments.      

Posted By GFW BLOG 功夫网 to GFW BLOG at 5/16/2010 10:47:00 PM


